MasterBed Virginia Mattress (Bonnel Spring + High Density Foam)

كود المخزن: Mattress-15


    Bonnel Spring with High Density Foam mattress quitled with high quality antiallergic fabric
الارتفاع23 سم
مستوى الصلابهصلابة متوسطة - صلبة
الحشو الداخليشاسيه من السوست المتصله
الطبقات العلويهاسفنج ذو صلابه عاليه
القماشقماش ابيض جيرسي مضاد للحساسيه
النوعمرتبه ستاندرد
الضمان10 سنوات ضد اي عيوب صناعيه

Best Price Mattress. Virginia Innerspring Mattress is a classic Bonnell spring mattress layered with a foam top for added comfort. This traditional innerspring mattress is made with heavy-duty Bonnell coils, creating an innerspring base for durable and even support that can help prevent back pain and make it easier to change sleeping positions. The support base is topped with layers of high-density foam and all covered in a smooth tight-top jersey fabric cover with additional hollow fiber padding

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