MasterBed Flexa Mattress (Pocketed Spring + Memory Foam)

كود المخزن: Mattress-11


    Pocket Spring with Memory foam mattress quitled with high quality antiallergic fabric
الارتفاع25 سم
مستوى الصلابهصلابه ناعمه
الحشو الداخليشاسيه من السوست المنفصله
الطبقات العلويهاسفنج الذاكره (ميموري فوم)
القماشغطاء من قماش أبيض جيرسي مضاد للحساسية
النوعمرتبه ستاندرد
الضمان10 سنوات ضد اي عيوب صناعيه

Flexa mattresses with memory foam disperse body heat and create a cooler sleeping surface while retaining the pressure-relieving properties of traditional memory foam. Tossing and turning are dramatically diminished and disrupted sleep patterns are greatly eliminated so you can sleep longer without moving and enjoy the benefits of a deeper, more restful sleep pattern
This Mattress provides your body with enough support. The pocket spring is just right so that the body can lie down firmly and toss without movement transition to the partner in order to gain a sweet sleep

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سياسة الإرجاع 14 يومًا

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